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Antunes VU, Llontop EE, Vasconcelos FNDC, López de Los Santos Y, Oliveira RJ, Lincopan N, Farah CS, Doucet N, Mittermaier A, Favaro DC. Importance of the β5-β6 Loop for the Structure, Catalytic Efficiency, and Stability of Carbapenem-Hydrolyzing Class D β-Lactamase Subfamily OXA-143. Biochemistry 2019, 58(34):3604-3616.


Coitinho JB, Costa MAF, Melo EM, Morais EA, de Andrade LGA, da Rocha AM, de Magalhães MTQ, Favaro DC, Bleicher L, Pedroso ERP, Goes AM, Nagem RAP. Structural and immunological characterization of a new nucleotidyltransferase-like antigen from Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. Mol Immunol. 2019. 112:151-162.


​Costa, Débora M.A.; Gómez, Stefanya V.; De Araújo, Simara S. ; Pereira, Mozart S. ; Alves, Rosemeire B. ; Favaro, Denize C. ; Hengge, Alvan C. ; Nagem, Ronaldo A.P. ; Brandão, Tiago A.S. . Catalytic Mechanism For The Conversion Of Salicylate Into Catechol By The Flavin-Dependent Monooxygenase Salicylate Hydroxylase. International Journal Of Biological Macromolecules, 2019. V. 129, P. 588-600.


Vasconcelos, F.N.C.*, Maciel, N.K., Favaro, D.C.*, Oliveira, L.C., Barbosa, A.S., Salinas, R.K., Souza, R.F., Farah, C.S., Guzzo, C.R. (2017) Structural and enzymatic characterization of a cAMP-dependent diguanylate cyclase from pathogenic Leptospira species. Journal of Molecular Biology. 429(15), 2337-2352.


“VirB7 and VirB9 interactions are required for the assembly and antibacterial activity of a type IV secretion system” Oliveira, L.C, Souza, D., Oka, G.U; Lima, F.S; Oliveira, R.J.; Favaro,D.C; Wienk, H.; Boelens, R.; Farah, S.C.; Salinas, R.K. Structure (London), 24, 1707-1718, 2016.


“Structural studies of the protein endostatin in fusion with BAX BH3 death domain, a hybrid that present enhanced antitumoral activity.” Chura-Chambi, R. M. ; Arcuri, H. A. ; Lino, F. ; Versati, N. ; Palma, M. S. ; Favaro, D. C. ; Morganti, L. . Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry, 2016.


“Design, synthesis and antitrypanosomal activity of some nitrofurazone 1,2,4-triazolic bioisosteric analogues.” Silva, F. T.; Franco, C. H.; Favaro, D. C. ; Freitas-Junior, L. H. ; Moraes, C. B. ; Ferreira, E. I. . European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 121, 553-560, 2016.


“Model for the allosteric regulation of the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger NCX” L. A. Abiko, P. M. Vitale, DC Favaro,  P. Hauk, D-W Li, J. Yuan, L. Bruschweiler-Li, R. K. Salinas, R. Brüschweiler. Proteins. 2016, 84, 580-590.


“The conformational analysis of 2-Halocyclooctanones" T. C. Rozada, G. F. Gauze, F. A. Rosa, D. C. Favaro, R. Rittner, R. M. PONTES, E. A. Basso. Spectrochimica Acta. Part A, Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, v. 137, p. 176-184, 2014.


 “19F DOSY NMR analysis for spin systems with nJFF couplings” G. D. Poggetto, D. C. Favaro, M. Nilsson, G. A. Morris, C. F. Tormena. Magn. Reson. Chem.2014, 52, 172- 177.


"Unusual Through Space, TS, Pathway for the Transmission of TSJFH Coupling: 2- Fluorobenzaldehyde Study Case" D. C. Favaro, R. H. Contreras, C. F. Tormena. J. Phys. Chem. A. 2013.


 “Cytotoxic non-aromatic B-ring flavanones from Piper carniconnectivum C. DC.” G. C. Freitas, J. M. Batista, G. C. Franchi, A. E. Nowill, L. F. Yamaguchi, J. D. Vilcachagua, D. C. Favaro, M. Furlan, E. F. Guimarães, C. S. Jeffrey, C. S. Christopher, M. J. Kato. Phytochemistry, 2013, 97, 81-87.


  “Effect of Counterions on the Shape, Hydration, and Degree of Order at the Interface of Cationic Micelles: The Triflate Case” F. S. Lima, I. M. Cuccovia, D. Horinek, L. Q. Amaral, K. A. Riske, S. Schreier, R. K. Salinas, E. L. Bastos, P. A. R. Pires, J. C. Bozelli, Jr., D. C. Favaro, A. C. B. Rodrigues, L. G. Dias, O. A. El Seoud, H. Chaimovich. Langmuir. 2013 29, 4193–4203.


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